About Us

Nez Twins Investments is Construction Company registered in Swaziland with a tax files number 16/6717/2. It was formed in February 2006 and it is classified under the category B4 with Construction Industry Council. Since its inception the company has matured into a successful and dependable medium sized construction firm with a wealth experience on all types of construction. We have hands-on management philosophy, a keen team player spirit and we pride ourselves on quality workmanship and timeous completion of projects depending on the nature and timing of contractors, and we can undertake single contracts up to ten million.


What We Do

Nez Twins Investments sets a great store in the provision of professional construction services. The company has been awarded Category B4 by Construction Industry Council for the financial year 2020/2021 and can undertake work up to the value of ten million. The work can include the following:

Building Construction


