Nez Twins Investments is Construction Company registered in Swaziland with a tax files number 16/6717/2. It was formed in February 2006 and it is classified under the category B4 with Construction Industry Council. Since its inception the company has matured into a successful and dependable medium sized construction firm with a wealth experience on all types of construction. We have hands-on management philosophy, a keen team player spirit and we pride ourselves on quality workmanship and timeous completion of projects depending on the nature and timing of contractors, and we can undertake single contracts up to ten million.
Our operations are centered on building repairs and maintenance, remodeling and alterations, permitting, site preparation, carpentry, painting, and plumbing utilities and installation. Any specialist skill is subcontracted.
Our Values
Independent and Client Focused
As a construction company, we sell a service and see things through the perspective of our clients and because our clients are diverse, we adopt an independent approach to every client to ensure our integrity is never compromised.
Due Diligence, Dedication And Commitment
We apply our professional mind in everything we do paying attention to detail to deliver the best service to our clients at the minimum possible time.
Team Spirit
As a professional company, we encourage diversity among our staff and we work with others through a network system to achieve the best in the interest of our clients.
Construction is a hazardous business and Nez Twins is dedicated to implementing and self-monitoring all safety programs to ensure the safest environment for all our employees.
We are totally committed to client confidentiality.